Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Best Part Is

Melody says Yes! We actually made it to Kingfisher. Although our time of arrival was not very accurate we arrived safely! It started as a very cool day, and rapidly became very hot! Patriota is the best...he just keeps trucking along...the scenery is so much wheat along the way that is turning a breathtaking golden color! There are so many Centennial Farms between Guthrie and is amazing that they have been in one family for at least 100 years..Marla took lots of pictures of the wildflowers as we went along...thanks matt for finding a cheapo camera...
At one point I actually rode at least 1/2 of a mile by myself when donna and marla looked for the cell phone Marla dropped!
And for that time there was a donkey that brayed and ran the fence line trying to intimidate Patriota, but he would not be intimidated...he just showed off and walked/loped really fast and kicked his feet in his wonderful gaited walk!!
Hey Gordon and Mike...hope you are enjoying the cool air conditioning... Super fun to see the Bunch family...thanks for coming all the way to see us and hanging out until we arrived...Christine Reed from the Kingfisher Times and Free Press was so super to talk to! Thank you for meeting with us to hear our story and for arranging for Emelia Turner ( what great comments and how cool that you have an Apache connection) to meet with us so we could give a copy of the story to the Kingfisher students....
Jim Savage thanks for hooking us up with the rodeo arena...that is a lifesaver.....also a shout out to Eric Gilbert for helping the PR man (aka Matt) get his tire fixed so he could roll again...and he even did it after hours...thanks so much...
When we arrived in Kingfisher we saw a young man named Nick Horton....he knew all about the Abernathy story because he is from Tipton...thanks for taking your time to come out and talk to us! (uncle justin was his ag teacher!)
What a super day...I can still walk...but we will see about tomorrow....Watonga and Roman Nose--here we come....

Hey, everybody! Yes, as Melody has already let you know, we are alive and well in Kingfisher The journey would have been a lot shorter, and we would have been less sore, if we had traveled by car, but ohhhh, the beautiful land that would have been ignored or barely gotten a glimpse of. Horseback is the way to go if you really want to take in your surroundings. Speaking of horses, Rocky and I are getting along fabulously. He has a lot of patience with me. I still haven't gotten the hang of riding at any kind of speed without hanging on for dear life, therefore, he is putting up with me learning how to rein him in...quickly! He doesn't really like to lead, so it's usually one of the other horses that gets him in the mood to pick up the pace. Melody and I were supposed to keep heading towards our destination when Marla needed to go back and find her cell phone that dropped out. Rocky had other ideas and wanted to stay with Little John. He got his way. After all, he does way several pounds more than I do! He's a BIG horse! We found the phone were Marla suspected it had fallen out, but still came close to it being stomped on.
It's a great feeling to accomplish our first day of travelling. We're tired. Slightly sore and wobbly. And I have a sunburn to show I wasn't thinking very brightly about taking care of myself. I'll be covered up tomorrow and drinking plenty of water. We have five days to go. We plan on making it all the way! We've met a few people today and hope to meet many more on our journey. Most people have been friendly. And the majority of motorists have been courteous.
Don't forget to keep in touch with us! Got to go. Sleep is calling our name!


Anonymous said...

You don't know how proud of you I am! LOVED the interview on 4! Can't wait to hear how today went (still shocked you are riding on Sunday--oh, Jack Abernathy wouldn't have that for his boys!). Relieved to hear that you are safe. You are in my prayers constantly. What an adventure... Makinze & I are checking the blog daily and plotting your route on the map of OK! We love you guys!


Anonymous said...

You go girls!! I love reading the blog. I also really loved the interview on KFOR. I wish I could have gone with you!! Glad things are going pretty well - Hang in there and enjoy!

Love ya,