Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What Would You Take With You

In today's reading, the boys traveled across the Texas Panhandle. They travele through places like Esteline, Turkey, Quitaque (Kitty-Quay), and Silverton. They said it was very hot and dusty. Temple drank gyp water and suffered for it! Bud tried to cure him with some castor oil! There wasn't very much room in those saddlebags to carry supplies from home. That brings us to today's question. If you were going on a trip like this, what would you put in your backpack? Thing about it and let us know!


Anonymous said...

I would take (this will take a while so grab a seat)my phone ,water,food ,book,clothes,medicine,my laptop,games,umbrella,boots,drum sticks and practice pad.and that's about it.oh and just kidding about the taking a long time thing.

Anonymous said...

I would take my laptop,games,medicine,portable tv,and my XBOX[plus all the games.

Anonymous said...

If I could go on the Abernathy Adventure. I would take food, clothes,water and medicine. I would have every thing that I needed to take.

Anonymous said...

I would also take myself.damon